Breaking Bad: Chronic Complaining

I haven’t even watched this show, but I know the name of it, haha.
I think I remember trying to watch it but it wasn’t my cup of tea.. so I went and got a cup of tea.
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But moving on and getting back to subject here (I can get sidetracked as you know 😉), chronic complaining. It can be a bad habit to break once you’ve got yourself on a vicious circle of it… it’s time to come off of that. Now, let’s get a couple things straight. Chronic complaining and venting are two different things & serve two different purposes.

Let me explain:

Venting you get things off of your chest in a safe place with people or writing in a journal that excepts your words and know it is something that does not consume you but is a small part of what is going on in your life vs being your life.

Chronic complaining or just complaining you become the victim of people or of situations that are continuously happening to you. You get consumed by incidents that don’t go your way or the way you and you blurt out rage, passive aggressive comments, vs talking about a situation with thoughts and feelings/emotions. You don’t feel rational and you feel out of control because you are friend.

Chronic complaining or complaining is unhealthy and I feel as though MOST of us humans have been contributed to this at one time or another! I know I have and it makes me feel like shit about myself. It doesn’t help me grow as a person, it holds me back.

I hold me back.

But, venting helps me get things off my chest and I feel lighter, more able to get back to feeling good with good vibes and peace ☮️ towards the situation or person. I am better able to look at the situation from multiple views not just my own view and thinking that is the ONLY view because it is mine and my view is superior to others.

I’ve spoken to women who sometimes had said “I’m so sorry, I am complaining” but really all I heard was healthy venting and them knowing I was a safe place for that, a safe person for that, and they were not coming across that they are all mighty. That my beautiful friend is venting and it is totally normal and healthy.

NOW, if you don’t engage in healthy venting it can back fire. You might be bottling up something that could explored and not in a healthy & healing way.

So, when you feel this negative chronic complaining happening,
take a step back and correct the path.
I know you can do this & you know you can too!

Sarah Lacko