Once in a Lifetime Moments
Once in a lifetime moments happen every day.
When it came to the eclipse, many of us made the most out of the moment. Preparing by getting solar eclipse glasses, taking the day off work, making plans with loved ones. But why do we do this only for special events? Why do we take such great thought into making the most of lifetime moments, when we have lifetime moments every day?
The reason is that the last total eclipse in the U.S. was in the year 1918 and so, clearly, this is not an "everyday" moment. We could possibly never experience this again in our lifetime... so why not go above and beyond making the most out it? But we have to HAVE TO think about this in our everyday lives.
Watching the eclipse was another eye opener for me. Why did I want so much to make and prepare for this moment with my family? We hugged and enjoyed talking to each other as we waited for the BIG moment... then actually took that AMAZING moment in. We marveled at it, breathless, our hearts racing, our jaws to the floor. The energy was amazing. The environment was silent, still, we heard slight gasps from others in the park. Some of them were with family. Some by themselves. Some with their pets, children, etc. All there for one amazing mystical experience. We all wanted to experience this once-in-a-lifetime chance that wasn't in our control. We couldn't force it. We couldn't make it happen. How utterly BRILLANT and BEAUTIFUL is that?! Mother Nature making such a connection with us, and creating one for us too. Showing us, with such a truly genuinely gorgeous statement, a pause, a moment, pure beauty at it's finest. What a gift. Even though she shows us the beauty every day, boy, did she make us stop in our tracks with this instance!
We need to live with this same intensity in our lives, to enjoy our lives, enjoy our loved ones, take time to enjoy those moments, realize what IS important to us. I almost want to jump up and dance around right now (but I'll spare you lol)!
SOOO many of us experienced a solar eclipse high.
We were filled with joy, amazement, wonder, appreciation,
WHY WHY WHYYYYYY just let that slip away?!! The answer is DON'T!!
My daughter that night asked me to lay down with her when she was going to sleep. We laid there and she started crying. I was confused why she was upset. We had a TRULY AMAZING DAY... why would she be sad?
She went on to say that she was sad, that she would never again see that with me (her momma) or with her grandmother. She would never experience that again with us. We would be gone, passed on when that miraculous occurrence would happen again. I told her that I might be there with her again but that she was right... her grandmother would not.
She stated, "I wish we could live forever."
Wish we could live forever...
I explained that many people felt this way but that I didn't. She was confused by my statement. Why would I not want to live forever? Why would I be willing to die one day? Why was I willing to leave her behind (UGH, I'm starting to get choked up!)? Now, I explained that I loved her very much and I would love to always be with her (yup, here come the tears) but that if we lived forever... how would we truly enjoy things in life? How could we enjoy the eclipse? "Oh who cares about the eclipse... I'll see it in again in some year... what does it matter?" We wouldn't take these INCREDIBLY PRECIOUS MOMENTS for what they are, but instead, we would just put them to the side. We wouldn't embrace them, hold on to them for dear life and truly reflect on them.
We only have a short time here on earth.
Some of us have a shorter time than others and that is one of the saddest things, but unfortunately, an uncomfortable fact. We don't know how long we will be here, but please, please, PLEASE, make the most of it. I want everything you want for yourself. We were not meant to be here on earth unhappy, miserable, alone, afraid... we were meant to live each day as if it was our last, love others, enjoy every moment as if it would never have another and just cherish it.
There is so much magic in every day, every moment, every experience,
every memory.
Let yourself be a part of it, let yourself enjoy it, feel it.
There will be a day you wish you did, if you didn't.
Enjoy the things you have. Enjoy the people you have. Enjoy the memories of people you don't have now, but did.
Be childlike, be silly, be free.
For you and your loved ones who have passed on:
They are with you. You are with them. They watch you every day. When you are thinking about them and when you're not. When you are struggling... look to them. Talk to them. Let yourself feel them. They show you signs all the time. Be open to those signs.
Hug them with your soul and let your spirits connect to each other.
For you and your loved ones still here:
Enjoy them, cherish them, hug them, love them, keep them close to your heart even when you're not happy with them. You will look back one day and realize that those times when you were angry with them, frustrated with them... it won't mean anything later. Just get through it together and get back to being present and cherishing each other.
For you:
Make all your moments count. Make these moments happen and let them happen. Slow time down. Put life in slow motion (yes, you can do this LOL) by breathing in the moment, watching it, letting it in, and not rushing through it. Don't block these moments with your busy life and all you have to do... it will be there later, I promise! Hehe! And make sure you make time for these moments.
I hope you have enjoyed this heartfelt post and that you give yourself a moment to reflect on it.
Sarah Lacko is an Inspirational Blogger, Inspirational Life Coach and Healthy Lifestyle Coach.(click for about me page)
She believes that everyone should believe in their dreams, believe in themselves, and that you CAN live the life you want for yourself and for your family. (click for coaching page)