New Year, New Goals But First... Getting Your Sh!t Together to Do It!
Okay, we have come into a New Year!! Can you believe it? They always seem to go fast, no doubt.
Have you accomplished the goals you gave yourself last year? No? It can be hard to accomplish things you set out to do if you did not set yourself up for success, and that's what I am going to go into! A lot of the time, we get in our own way... we give up because we feel it is not obtainable, but it really is! Reading this post, you will find that, with these useful tips and a couple simple tools, you will set yourself up for some serious success in the things YOU WANT TO ACCOMPLISH!
Now, "nothing worth working for is easy" but it is completely obtainable! I believe in you and that you are MORE than capable of doing everything you want! Now let's get you believing the same.
First, before ANYTHING, you are going to need a couple inexpensive tools. Ready for this?!
1. Get a journal or notebook to give yourself your very own business plan! What? You're not a business? Yeah, don't care... you are going to get down to business and write down the goals in detail, give yourself a timeline of when each goal is going to be accomplished and how! Here is a great notebook to have to keep your goals, your ideas, your aspirations!
2.Get yourself a planner! You're saying, "What? That's the tool?!" YES! It sure is! How can you really accomplish some REAL goals if you don't break down how to accomplish the goal little by little, actually schedule yourself to do the goals, and give yourself the accountability to do them?! Riddle me that!! Here is an amazing and super inexpensive planner that lays your year out for you and also has a spot for you to write out and grow in different areas of your life!
So, now fast forward and we have our flippin' sweet tools (YAY!) and it's time to get down to goal accomplishing business (flexing)! What to do first...
Okay, so first get out your goal-accomplishing journal. This is where you are going to write down the goals that you ARE going to accomplish. Include the What (what the goal/goals are), How (how you plan to accomplish them), When (giving yourself a realistic timeframe) and Why (why this is important to you, how this goal is going to be benefit to you, your life, your family's life, etc.). It should look something like this...
Goal: Weight loss of 25 pounds
How: Start a fitness program
When: January 9th
Why: To become healthier, happier and to have more energy for my family and for myself
Really laying your goals out in this way and making it visual is going to make things much more obtainable and realistic. You are setting yourself up for success -- the self-doubt that cripples us is not helping us to achieve our goals or even try for them! Using these methods washes away these negative thoughts.
(Now, if you really are feeling stuck or feeling as if you are unable to accomplish what you really want in life... I can help! I am a Life Coach, who is here to have you accomplish anything you set your mind to. Sometimes, we just need some help and that's exactly what I am here for. I offer a FREE 30 minute Strategy Session to see if it would be a great coaching fit! Go to the coaching page, fill out the form and let's work together! What would it hurt to see... It's FREE!)
Okay! Now that we have our goals down (in stone, hehe)... let's get to planning them!
So, get that sweet planner and some of your favorite colored pens! Start laying out your week, including step-by-step ways to accomplish your goals. Also, include ALL the other things you have to do. Take a look at how I write in my planner! I write the initials of the subject that I am working on and then list what needs to be done! Now, I'm weird (you didn't know.. well now you do!!) and I write my subjects in different colors. This helps me, in a glance, I know if I need to do more of one topic/subject or another. Plus, it looks pretty (told ya! Haha)!
Now, clearly I didn't make this all fancy, and this is just like any week I have! If I didn't complete something, I move it to another day. Also, I abbreviate all my subjects! For example, LC- is my life coaching practice and my homework, BB- is the Beach Body fitness program where I am a coach but also do my workouts (abbreviated w/o=workout) and shakes, Me is the personal things I need to do, and Blog- yup. you've got it, the blog ;) lol! Not the clearest picture, my bad!
Now, if I had something written in my planner that I planed to accomplish one day and I didn't (no worries, this happens!) then just write it in the next day. Sometimes we have to be flexible and we just aren't going to get everything done that we planned! Also, try hard not to plan too much in one day! This is where I get schedule-happy and give myself more than I can chew. You have to make sure you aren't doing this because we are setting ourselves up for success here, right? Another tidbit... Give yourself a day where you don't have much scheduled. This will help you catch up on anything that you had to put to the side. It is like a catch-up and relax day all in one! Love those!
So, it looks as if you are allllll-ready for your new year!
How exciting! Doing these steps are REALLY going to help you succeed in your goal accomplishingness (not a real word, I know. I make up my own verbiage! Ha!). You are making your goals obtainable and sustainable! You ARE unstoppable with these two things in your court!
Need help? Have questions?! Comment below or email me at
Happy planning and goal-setting my friends! Xoxo