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Inspired Vida (IV) was created out of my love/passion for writing and helping others.  Even though none of us are perfect, we are beautifully imperfect in our own ways and we all have something to bring to the world.  Life can be hard, and being perfect for everyone but ourselves is a main focus in our society, which will NEVER be obtainable.  This can be part of what contributes to depression, lack of self-confidence, weight gain and other things.  Reaching for something that is not reality or a positive goal, BUT what is reality and an excellent goal is being the best version of yourself... for YOURSELF.  So, Inspired Vida (IV) is here to help you along in that journey!

IV is here help you obtain a life that is happy, healthy and present in the now!

 All simple things, right?  Simple things to want - yes, but not always simple to be.  Come read with me and let's become our best selves... one post at a time!